Mental Health
We are here to help with your mental health as well as your physical help.
Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being and is about how people think, feel and behave. We want anyone experiencing a mental health problem to get the support that best suits their needs.
If you're in a crisis and need urgent help:
By phone
Call 0800 652 0190 The Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust Helpline
The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you call, you'll speak to a professional in your local NHS mental health service. They can discuss your current mental health needs and provide access to further support if needed.
Calls to NHS urgent mental health helplines are free.
By SMS Text
You can text "SHOUT" to 85258, free from all major UK mobile networks. You'll then be connected to a volunteer for an anonymous conversation by text message.
Visit the NHS Dorset Healthcare Access Mental Health Services web page here>>

If you're experiencing negative thoughts and feelings impacting your day-to-day life
Your first port of call may be to contact us. However, having that first conversation about your deepest feelings with a GP or Practice Nurse is not always easy, especially if it is someone you may not know well. So the mental health charity, Mind, has made a short film and guide on making the most of your consultation. Watch Mind's animation on how to find the words to talk to your GP about your mental health.

If you are living with a long-term health condition or are feeling low or anxious
We may refer you to Steps2Wellbeing, a free, confidential service for anyone aged 18 and over registered at a GP surgery in Dorset. You can also sign yourself up quickly and privately using their online form at or by phoning 0800 484 0500.
Steps2wellbeing offer a Body and Mind Service which can help you to feel better emotionally if you are living with a long-term health condition like:
- diabetes
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- chronic pain
- lung conditions
- heart and stroke.
Their specialist employment advisers can help you with:
- stress at work
- going back after a break
- looking for a new job.
"Steps2Wellbeing helped me to feel a lot happer in myself"
Download and view or print out their A5 leaflet about their service here:>>
Dorset Mind have put together a clear guide of local and national services recommended by our mental health practitioners which cover a wide range of help and support for adults. Download and view a copy here>>
Further information and support for your mental health can be found on the NHS website here:>>
If your child is struggling with their mental health, help is at hand
- Visit the NHS’s children and young people’s mental health hub to find out what support is available to you and your loved ones. Follow this link to find advice and support about mental health for children, teenagers, students and parents>>
- Information and advice on children's mental health and wellbeing can also be found on the Healthier Together website by following this link>>
- Find resources and support for 11 - 18 year olds through the online mental wellbeing community Kooth on their website,
- Dorset Mind have put together a clear guide of local and national services recommended by our mental health practitioners which cover a wide range of help and support for young people. Download and view a copy here>>

Information about Social Prescribing
Social prescribing is when patients are referred to support in the community, in order to improve their health and wellbeing. Patients are connected to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
Carers in particular need to look after themselves so they can look after others.
More information about the service can be found on the Crane Valley Primary Care Network Social Prescribing page by following this link:>>
Are you a carer for someone with dementia or a mental health condition?
For more information on support available to you, please visit our Carers Support page here>>